I met Manoj on sindhi matrimony website. And he posted our success story on their website after we got engaged. Original link can be found here - http://www.sindhimatrimony.com/success/success-story-inner-template.php/?ssId=88619. I dont trust when will this website bring this post down so for keepsake memories I am attaching the screenshot of the page.
After getting engaged, I was super excited about our wedding planning and I had started browsing through various websites among which I got addicted to WeddingSutra.com. I used to browse recently married couples blog and their pictures to get ideas. As - the more you browse, better ideas you get.
In the process, I landed on the "recently engaged page" of weddingsutra.com on Facebook where newly engaged couples were being featured. I also asked the editor to feature our story on their FB page.
Here is the link:
Also copy pasting the content from the above link.
Jaya Wadhwani and Manoj Harpalani
Jaya and Manoj are getting married on 26th December in Lonavla. She works with Symantec in California and Manoj works as a Software Manager at Amazon in Seattle.
Says Jaya: “Here is our long story short. It all started with a typical arranged marriage situation where our families set up our meeting. Both of us were not comfortable with the concept of arranged marriage. But both agreed to the project (yes! it was a project for the two software engineers) of trying to get to know each other. In the first meeting he felt he was being interviewed (technically). The phone calls and conversations continued as we always had a lot to talk about. We shared many common friends and slowly our friendship grew. After meeting a couple of times, we were 66% sure of getting married. The remaining 34% was based on our parent’s approval. And then began a twist in the tale. My family was not very sure if we should pursue the alliance. It took us one year to get around the twist. In the one year, there were times when we were not sure and stopped talking. But in this phase, our common friends played a very important role to keep us connected, and when we reconnected, we were 100% sure we wanted to be life partners. So we often say that ours is an arranged marriage with a twist of love.”
— with Dhriti Manoj Harpalani and Manoj Harpalani.